In honour of Japan: Harajuku!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We are all aware of the tragedy that is happening to Japanese people right now.
But in following days I am not going to write about tragedy I will write about things that Japan contributed to the rest of the world: food, drinks, arhitecture, gheishas, fashion and design. I will start with Harajuku girls.

Svi smo svesni tragedije kod je zadesila japanski narod. Znam da niste ovde da bi citali o losim vestima, vec o necemu sto vas raduje. Zato necu pisati o tragediji vec o svim lepih stvarima koje su potekle iz Japana i kojima je on zaduzio svet: hrani, cajevima, tehnologiji,arhitekturim tradiciji, gejsama i naravno modi i dizajnu. 
Pocecu sa Harajuku devojkama. 

Harajuku is common name for the area around Harajuku Station. This is also a fashion capital of the world, renowned for its unique street fashion. Harajuku street style is promoted in Japanese and international publications such as Kera, Tune, Gothic & Lolita Bible and Fruits. Many prominent designers and fashion ideas have sprung from Harajuku and incorporated themselves into other fashions throughout the world.
Harajuku is also a large shopping district that includes international brands, its own brands, and shops selling clothes young people can afford.Harajuku girls are 4 Japanese and Japanese American that are working as back up dancers for Gwen Stafeni in her concerts and videos.

Harajuku je zajednicko ima za oblast oko Harajuku stanice u Tokiu. Ova oblast je jednim delom i svetski modni centar poznat po svojoj specificnoj ulicnoj modi. U svetu su poznati sledeci stilovi u Harajuku modi: Kera, Tune, Gothic & Lolita Bible i Fruits. Mnogi pozanati dizajneri su upravo i bili inspirisani ulicnom Harajuku modom. Ova oblast je takodje poznata i kao veliki shopping district u kojima mozete pronaci mnoge internacinalne brendove ali i one autenticne koje mladi mogu da priuste.
Svi se sigurno secate Harajuku girls cetverca sa koncetara i spotova Gwen Stefani.


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