Fashion Twins: Valentino VS Marc Jacobs!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Marc by Marc Jacobs

Few days ago I thought: wow I didn't notice any fashion twins so far, that's strange, but in the next moment they are everywhere, literally... I understand when highs street brand copies the designers, I mean  that's the whole point of high street fashion. But thing I can not understand are designer clones...

Anyway, Marc Jacobs is third time in this category, once for bracelet, one for bag and now for the dress... Poor Marc, it's not easy to create 6 collections per year, 3 per season for Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and Marc by Marc Jacobs... For all this, you have to have had full of ideas. I will write a post dedicated for designers with two jobs. It's not easy to be Marc, so he is excused!

Bas sam pre par dana pomislila, wow, odavno nisam primetila modne blizance, cudno... Kad ono, vec sledeceg trenutka su bukvalno svuda. Mogu da razumem da Zara i Mango kopiraju dizajnerske komade, mislim to je i cela poena high steet mode. Ali sta je sa dizajnerima koji naplacuju po par stotina, ako ne i hiljada za komad koji mozete naci i kod drugog dizajnera... To vec ne razumem...

U svakom slucaju, Marc Jacobs je vec treci put u ovoj kategoriji, (jednom za narukvicu, jednom za torbu i sada za haljinu) i trenutno drzi rekord. Da se razumemo nije lako osmisliti 6 kolekcija godisnje, 3 po sezoni (LV, Marc Jacobs i Marc by Marc Jacobs) a gde su to kolekcije u pola sezone, pa jos cruise, u stvari kada sracunam to je i vise od 6... Za sve ovo je potrebno da vam glava bruji od ideja, nije lako biti Marc, zato mu oprastamo:) Inace obecavam post o fenomenu dizajnera sa dva radna mesta:)

I ko je vas favorit u ovom duelu? Marc od 800 i nesto funti ili Valentino od 3500 funti? Mozda je ipak interesatnija Valentinova haljina, ali opet Marcova je 4 x jefitnija, i on je svestraniji... Sto se mene tice, nereseno!


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